Christian Transhumanism

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Resources for Christian Transhumanists

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Videos about Christianity & Transhumanism

Books about Christianity & Transhumanism

Surprised by Hope is the best popular-level introduction to historic Christianity's embodied, non-escapist, Physical Eschatology.

What Technology Wants — Kevin Kelly

What Technology Wants by Kevin Kelly, introduces the concept of technology as the 7th kingdom of life, growing and evolving just as all living things do. Great book for framing a lot of transhumanist discussion in a connected and comprehensive way.

The Inevitable — Kevin Kelly

The Inevitable is Kevin Kelly's most recent book, focusing on more specific ways technology will change over time.

Ending Aging — Aubrey de Grey

Aubrey de Grey's thought and research is the best way to engage with the discussion of radical life extension.

Engines of Creation — Eric Drexler

Engines of Creation by Eric Drexler is the seminal work on nanotechnology, and everything it is capable of. Eric has written a more recent take on the subject here.

David Deutsch, the pioneer of quantum computing, explores the systems in physics that have infinite reach—including the human mind. Not specifically transhuman, but great physics-as-philosophy, and will change your perception of what we're capable of.

The Phenomenon of Man — Teilhard de Chardin

Teilhard de Chardin was the Jesuit Priest and Paleontologist who first proposed many of the concepts of transhumanism in the 1930s-1950s.

This 1994 book proposed a scientific theory of religion and the future of the universe, and introduced many to the possibilities of Christian Transhumanism.

Ray Kurzweil argues that we're about to experience a "Singularity", an intelligence explosion, where the intelligence embedded in our technology becomes greater than the intelligence embedded in human brains. This book explores what kinds of ramifications that might have for our near future. Ray Kurzweil is a long-time inventor, and has recently been brought onboard at Google to work on constructing an AI.

What is the difference between vertical progress & horizontal progress? And what does this difference have to do with our future?

Where does technology belong in the biblical story of redemption?

Human Purpose & Transhuman Potential by Ted Chu, examines the philosophy of human purpose, and shows how humanity coherently understands itself as the self-transcendent species.

Transhumanism and Transcendence — Ron Cole-Turner

For completeness. A newer compilation of essays.

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Resources for Christian Transhumanists